Forget Windows
This is an outline to walk through the use of the Apple Macintosh. It will take the read from unboxing their Mac to going static web stite development to using vagrant locallaly and in the cloud to develop ruby rails applications
[modified in using AWS Cloud9 - Developer environment 202207261738]
- You are a Switcher!
- Windows to Mac
- Switch 101
- System Preferences
- Network Wireless
- Trackpad
- Keyboard
- Backspace?
- fn + delete - gives a “delete to right”
- delete - by itself gives a “delete to left”
- Force Quit
- option + command + esc - when an application has annoyingly locked up and all you get is the dreaded spinning beach ball when you mouse over it, will bring up the Force Quit dialog – this will then enable you to stop the application with extreme prejudice…
- Cancel
- Did not seem to work
- command + . - when you are in the middle of an operation (whether you’re copying over some files or you’re in an open or save dialog) will stop the proceedings.
- Finder
- collaspe/exapand all
- option+clck on triangle
- collaspe/exapand all
- Application Switch
- command + tab - HOLDING the command key while tapping the tab key will cycle through open applications as icons
- shift + command + tab - everses the direction.
- Or point with your cursor to select an icon.
- QuickLook
- space - on selected item in Finder brings up QuickView
- aka QuickView?
- Get info
- command + I - brings up the Get Info window in Finder, showing things like its location, name and size.
- option + command + i - will bring up a Get Info window that will update automatically when you click on a different file or folder or select multiple files and folders.
- Application Hide
- command + h - this will instantly hide all the windows of the application that you’re working with.
- option +command + h - will hide all the applications except the one you’re working on, getting rid of all that annoying screen clutter.
- Show/hide the Dock
- option + command + d - will toggle between hiding and revealing the Dock.
- Close/Open window
- command + w - while on the active window will close it. This shortcut proves to be very useful if you want to quickly close a particular open document without quitting the application completely.
- command + n - will make a new window
- It also works for closing individual tabs in your browser. In fact, you’ll find it works in nearly every application on the Mac.
- Take screenshots
- shift + command 3 - captures the whole screen to desktop
- shift + command 4, space and click window to desktop
- shift + command 4 - gives you crosshairs
- control to copy to clipboard
- Name completion
- Tab - in any Open or Save dialog box will auto-complete folder and file names
- Copy, Cut, Paste
- Copying (C), cutting (X) and pasting (V) is much quicker if you master the keyboard shortcuts. But always look out for a Paste and Match Style, Cmd + Option + Shift + V, so you don’t have to reformat text to match its destination.
- Try to use your thumb on the command key for these simple editing commands
- Select All
- Possibly the biggest timesaver of them all, pressing Cmd + A in any application will Select All. This is irrespective of whether you have a page full of text, a collection of images in iPhoto or all the files and folders in a Finder window. A superb shortcut.
- Undo
- This is the ultimate safety net. If something goes wrong, always hit Cmd + Z and nine times out of ten, no matter what, you’ll be rescued. In some applications, there’s also a Redo option to undo your Undo Typing with Cmd + Y as the shortcut.
- Jump words
- When you’re working with text, holding down the Option key and pressing an arrow key will leap one word in that direction. Holding down Cmd will jump you right to the start or end. While, holding down Shift will select the range you’ve just leapt over.
- beginning of line
- Forwards/Backwards
- shift + [ - will handily take you back to the previous page you were on In Finder as well as most browsers.
- command + ] - will take you forward, just as if you’d clicked the arrow buttons located in the toolbar.
- Dashboard
- Save yourself the hassle of going to the web or opening yet another application by launching Dashboard, simply press F12. This is OS X’s collection of widgets that perform useful tricks such as getting the weather forecast, giving you a calculator or bringing up the Dictionary.
- Dictionary
- control + command + d - while hovering the cursor over a word will handily bring up the OS X dictionary definition of the word and put you back in the know.
- miscellaneous
- CMD-Q - quit an application
- CMD-W - Close window or Tab
- CMD-N - New window
- Account Book The SINGLE place you put important account and setup information
- Format
- title
- timestamp
(yyyymmddHHMM) [HH 24 hr] - website
website or service (e.g., wifi) - account
use extended addressing: - password
should be at least 12 chars including alphanumeric, capitals, punctuation - questions
security questions and answers (“question 1: answer 1; question 2: answer 2”) - comments
- Example
- Example
- dv201706171415
- secretpassword
- “First dog: buddy”
- “This site is an example”
- Format
- Google Email
- Initialization
- apple id
- wifi
- local sign in account
- Menu Bar (Basic)
- Digression into menu exploration
- Apple menu About this Mac System Preference (see configuration for details)
- Application Menu
- Icon Area
- Battery
- Date
- User
- Spotlight
- Notifications
- Finder (Basic)
- Copy
- Expand/Collapse Use OPTION key and click side arrow to expand or collapse
- Personal
- General
- Desktop & Screen Saver
- desktop
- galax
- screen saver
- word of the day
- start after
- 1 Hour
- Show with clock
- on
- hot corners
- lower right
- put display to sleep
- lower right
- desktop
- Dock
- size
- 25%
- magnification
- 60%
- position
- right
- drag folders to dock
- Application
- name
- folder
- automatic
- Documents
- already there
- date added
- stack
- automatic
- Downloads
- date added
- folder
- automatic
- Application
- size
- Mission Control
- Language & Text
- Security & Privacy
- Spotlight
- Notifications
- use mostly banners
- reminders
- alerts
- TextEdit
- Plain Text
- Hardware
- CDs & DVDs
- ask
- Displays
- Energy Saver
- better battery life
- power adapter
- computer sleep
- never
- display sleep
- never
- computer sleep
- battery
- computer sleep
- 15 minutes
- display sleep
- 5 minutes
- computer sleep
- keyboard
- keyboard
- standard function keys
- character viewer
- keyboard shortcuts
- launchpad & dock
- turn off dock hiding
- on
- turn off dock hiding
- services
- files and folders
- New Terminal at Folder
- New Terminal Tab at Folder
- Open in Sublime
- files and folders
- launchpad & dock
- keyboard
- Mouse
- Trackpad
- point & click
- tap to click
- on
- tap with one finger
- secondary click
- on
- click or tap with two fingers
- lookup
- on
- tap with three fingers
- tracking speed
- 5th detent
- tap to click
- scroll & zoom
- scroll direction natural
- zoom in or out
- on
- pinch two fingers
- smart zoom
- on
- double-tap two fingers
- rotate
- on
- rotate two fingers
- scroll direction natural
- more gestures
- swipe between pages
- on
- swipe between full-screen apps
- horiz four fingers
- notification center
- swipe left from right edge with two fingers
- mission control
- swipe up four fingers
- app expose
- swipe down four fingers
- launchpad
- pinch thumb three fingers
- show desktop
- spread thumb three fingers
- swipe between pages
- point & click
- Print & Scan
- Sound
- CDs & DVDs
- Internet & Wireless
- iCloud
- Mail, Contacts & Calendars
- Network
- show wifi status
- on
- show modem status
- on
- show wifi status
- Bluetooth
- Sharing
- screen sharing
- on
- file sharing
- on
- remote login
- on
- screen sharing
- System
- Finder
- preferences
- use current folder
- preferences/advanced/search current folder
- use current folder
- writes
- show full path
- defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES && killall Finder
- add Quit to Finder menu
- defaults write QuitMenuItem -bool YES && killall Finder
- show hidden files ALWAYS
- defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE && killall Finder
- show full path
- preferences
- Users & Groups
- Parental Controls
- Date & Time
- date & time
- automatic
- Apple Americas
- automatic
- time zone
- Los Angeles
- clock
- show date time
- on
- time options
- digital
- 24 hour
- on
- date options
- day of week
- on
- show date
- on
- day of week
- show date time
- date & time
- Software Update
- Auto
- on
- download
- on
- install
- on
- Auto
- Dictation & Speech
- Time Machine
- ON
- show in menu
- on
- Accessibility
- zoom
- use gesture
- ^ control
- use gesture
- zoom
- Startup Disk
- Finder
- unfiled preferences
- Keyboard > Text > Disable “Correct spelling automatically”
- [NO] Security and Privacy > FileVault > On (makes sure SSD is securely encrypted)
- Security and Privacy > Firewall > On (extra security measure)
- Security and Privacy > General > App Store and identified developers
File Sharing > Off
Show Library folder chflags nohidden ~/Library
Show hidden files defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
Show path bar defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true
Show status bar defaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true
- test ssh connection to server ( nc -z 22 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo SSH_OK || echo SSH_NOK
Unwanted Junk
Google’s secret updater (keystone)
defaults read
You can either disarm it or you can nuke it. Disarming it is simplest, it’s a one-line Terminal command:
defaults read checkInterval
defaults write checkInterval 0One week:
defaults write checkInterval $one_week
- need to update and find license
SignPDF [danv only]
[OPTIONAL] FreeOffice
- recommend using Google service instead
System Keys
Select file
Tap Space SPACE
- CMD-ENTER show in Finder
- CMD show name at bottom of preview/information window
- CMD-OPT show path at bottom of preview/information window
Tap ESCAPE to stop
Add CONTROL to send to clipboard instead of file
- full screen to desktop file
CMD+SHIFT+3 - select area to desktop file
CMD+SHIFT+4 - hover on window to desktop file
hover over window and click
- El Capitan - Sierra
Hold OPTION key and click on menu icons to get advanced features and information
Services Menu (RIGHT-CLICK/Services)
- Reveal in finder
highlight a path and it opens in finder